Employee Information

Information for county employees, volunteers & contractors


Dukes County offers health insurance through the Cape Cod Municipal Health Group. The employer pays 75% of the health insurance premium, the employee pays 25% of the premium. Please contact the Treasurer Office Benefits & Payroll Administrator for more information about the plans and other optional benefits you can elect to sign up for  (dental, eye, disability plans, etc.). If you need help navigating your health benefits and your situation, the Cape Cod Municipal Health Group is offering an advisory service through Pinnacle Care. You can access introductory materials here and Frequently asked questions for this service here.

All county employees are required by law to complete online training on the conflict of interest law every two years specific to county employees. If you have done conflict of interest training in any other capacity (municipal employee, state etc.) you still have to complete the one for county employees, they are not exchangeable.

The link to access the program for county employees is: https://massethicstraining.skillburst.com

  • The training programs can be completed on any work, home or publicly available computer with internet access.