Joseph Sylvia State Beach Photo Gallery

Sand Fence Washed Out By Storms

We had installed this sand fence to help restore dunes after the 1996-7 beach nourishment. This photo was taken in March, 2001, after most of the sand had been washed away. The eroded cliff at the left edge of the photograph is almost three feet high.

Erosion Downdrift Of A Groin

This April 2002 photograph shows how quickly the beach erodes on the south side of the groin. Note how much lower the beach is on the far side of the stone groin and that the cliff (berm) is also closer to the road.


Gulls Feeding In Storm Waves

Large waves wash up on the beach when there are northeast to southeast winds. Here some gulls are feeding in the seaweeds that have washed in with the storm waves.

Fishing From The Big Bridge Jetties

From spring to fall, fishing is a popular activity on this beach.

Errosion of the bike path after Storm Sandy (Nov 2012) 
Errosion of the bike path after Storm Sandy (Nov 2012)